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You are.. Definitely you are my little prince... actually princess.. maybe rose.. or Rosé, Rosie..
Whoever you are.. Don't forget you are the one I really love.. Happy birthday my dear I love you so much
I'm really happy for you and I appreciate that you are living here.. on earth with us
Please stop making me cry by showing your true heart 💖 You are so good at that.. OMG TT
You are.. Definitely you are my little prince... actually princess.. maybe rose.. or Rosé, Rosie..
Whoever you are.. Don't forget you are the one I really love.. Happy birthday my dear I love you so much
I'm really happy for you and I appreciate that you are living here.. on earth with us
Please stop making me cry by showing your true heart 💖 You are so good at that.. OMG TT